2022 April Minutes

  Flemington Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2022

The regular session of the Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 9:32 am by Board President Jane DeHaven.

This was a remote meeting via Zoom. In attendance was Library Director Shawn Armington, plus board members Jane DeHaven, Steve Rogow, Grace Fuoti and Warren Buckleitner.


The March minutes was reviewed. Jane approved, and Steve seconded.


Shawn reviewed the Treasurers Report.

Jane had a question about the term “automation maintenance.”

Shawn will tweak the categorization.  There was some discussion about the elevator. There was a $6000 fee to have it modernized. Shawn will look into making sure the elevator system is up to date and safe.

Jane accepted the Treasurer’s report. Grace seconded.


Shawn reported that we need an additional signer for the bank account. Jane moved to appoint Grace as a signatory for the library’s bank account. Steve seconded.

Shawn would like to look into changing from Follet because of the way it handles downloadable content. The current system is very clunky. Shawn is reluctant to change due to the hassle but we all agreed that we need a smoother system. Shawn will get the transition process started and will report back to us on the next meeting.

Shawn was asked about the age designation for “baby time” – it’s 6 months to 2 years.

Jane provided some feedback on the list of benefactors listing on the web site. Warren suggested that we define benefactors as someone who had donated $1000 or more in current day value.  

Jane noted that the Library Board seats designated for the school superintendent and the borough council seats have been empty. Shawn will reach out to both to encourage attendance for our May 20th meeting.

The meeting was adjourned by Jane at 10:11 AM.

Warren Buckleitner, Secretary

Upcoming meetings – third Fridays at 9:30 am

May 20

June 17

Sept 16