2022 October Minutes

Flemington Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2022

The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 9:31 AM by Board President Jane DeHaven. The meeting was conducted remotely, via Zoom. Jim Rosetti, Steve Rogow, and Grace Chang-Fuoti were present, along with Library Director Shawn Armington. Warren Buckleitner joined the meeting later.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary’s Report from the previous meeting was reviewed and approved by all members present. Jane moved to accept the report and Steve seconded.

Treasurer’s Report

Shawn reviewed the Treasurer’s Report from the previous meeting. The library financial accounts are routine. There was some discussion. Jane noticed there was a decrease in fines and Shawn added that fines have decreased since automatic renewal.

Also, Shawn noted that the library had received $930.00 in memory of Anne Thomas, plus an additional $130 came in later.

Grace moved to accept the report and Jane seconded.

Continuing Business

Renovation Projects

Adam Finkle (SSP Project Manager) met with some of the board members via zoom at an additional meeting on September 30th to discuss preparations for the bid process on the basement remediation project. The power point presentation was also emailed. He reviewed the scope of work, estimated costs and projected schedule. The library should be closed during asbestos removal. Also, Adam highly recommended the “Energy Recovery Unit” (estimated at $35,500) as good practice to address the level of moisture in the air. Adam suggested that the Energy Recovery Unit could be priced as an option, which could be decided upon as the bids are received. No decisions were made during this meeting.

After some discussion, the board would like to see a base bid with alternates. A question was asked if the borough was responsible for anything in this project. The next step is to wait to view the bid documents and see what the contractor has to say.

Anne Thomas Memorial

The discussion of ideas for an Anne Thomas memorial was tabled.

New Business

Trustee Continuing Education

Additional discussion of fines will be moved to December’s meeting after the board members have had a chance to review materials that Shawn sent regarding the advantages of going fine-free.

Jane adjourned the meeting at 10:08 AM.

The next meeting is on Friday, December 9, at 9:30 AM.

Grace Chang-Fuoti