2024 March Minutes

Flemington Free Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes  March 15, 2024

The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees Zoom meeting was called to order at 9:32 am by Board President Jane DeHaven. Also in attendance were Library Director Shawn Armington, Liz Fisher, Grace Fuoti, Steve Rogow,  Adrianne Fusaro, and Kristin Self.


This meeting was called in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act. Notice was sent to the newspapers of record, The Courier News and The Hunterdon Democrat, and posted on the library’s website and bulletin board.


The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  Liz moved to accept, and Steve seconded.


The treasurer’s report was reviewed by Liz. Shawn noted that $60,000 was transferred from the checking account to the savings reserve account (page 1 of February 2024 finances).  Steve proposed that it might be beneficial to transfer some savings in short-term CD accounts. Shawn will follow-up and ask Unity Bank. Jane moved to accept, and Grace seconded. 


–Friends Group Survey

Shawn expressed appreciation to Kristin Self for her dedication to the Friends group’s proposed survey. In addition to a hard copy, the group plans to create a web version and Spanish translation. Kristin mentioned that they want to have a presence in the community through various events and local markets. Also, she would like to include the survey in the borough newsletter and post it on the library website The motion to approve the survey was made by Jane and Steve seconded.

–Basement Remediation

There are no new updates to report. The contractor hasn’t received an official resolution for the bid. Adrianne will follow-up.


David from Moorland LLC is concerned about the electric and would like it to be checked before installation. A question was asked by the board if there was a code on any wiring issues and what needs to be done. Adrianne will send Shawn contact information for Dave Giuliani and Shawn will follow-up by reaching out to Moorland LLC and Fletcher and Son Electrical Services.


Shawn has a current quote from Vector Security and another quote from Corporate Security Force, which was significantly more expensive. After some discussion, Vector Security was approved. Liz made a motion and Jane seconded.

–Makers Day

The Makers Day event will be held on March 16th. A special thanks to Steve Fox who has coordinated the various presenters. The Friends group will also be welcoming the Master Gardeners for a presentation on “Coping with Deer” on March 22nd.


Shawn will look at the condition of the window frames by the torchères that Liz had mentioned in a previous meeting.


Shawn referred to the fine-free trend in the library world and is open to trying it. After some discussion, the board made a resolution to go “fine free” for 6 months and then revisit the situation. For the September meeting, feedback on the “fine free” status will be added. Steve made a motion and Jane seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:16am.   The next meeting will be on April 12th.

–Grace Fuoti