2022 February Minutes

  Flemington Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2022

The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 9:33 am by Board President Jane DeHaven. This was a remote meeting via Zoom. In attendance was Library Director Shawn Armington, plus board members Jane DeHaven, Steve Rogow, Grace Fuoti, Jim Rossetti, Liz Fisher and Warren Buckleitner.

Secretary’s Report:

The secretary’s report from the last meeting was reviewed. Liz moved to accept; Grace seconded.

Treasurer’s Report:

Liz Fisher led us through the treasurer’s report. Steve moved to approve; Jane seconded.

Continuing Business and Discussion:

  • Shawn read a nice thank you note from Debbie about the book donation in memory of her father.
  • Shawn would like to use $5000 of the Jane Kitchen money for downloadable content, and $1000 for technology. Jane made a motion to approve Liz seconded.
  • Shawn suggested that we have some sort of commemorative mechanism to recognized donors; such as a giving tree. Shawn will do some more homework and will get back to the board.
  • Adam Finkle and Marcus Rosenau from SSP joined the board at 10:00 am to answer some questions about the scope of the basement work.
    • Moisture abatement: Recommended French drains of some sort, plus a ventilation system to keep the humidity and mold down. The sump pump and sump pump exit plumbing would be checked and fixed if necessary.  It might be nice to have a utility sink and have the cast iron checked or replaced.  
    • Lighting. New, no frills LED lighting would be used.   
    • Partitions. Waterproof materials would be used that are affordable.

SSP needs approval to create a design development and construction phase planning document; which is roughly $53,000 to create. The board decided to continue discussion after SSP provides exact numbers.

The meeting was adjourned by Steve at 10:49 AM.

Warren Buckleitner, Secretary

Upcoming meetings – third Fridays at 9:30 am

March 18, April 22, May 20, June 17, Sept 16