Flemington Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2022
The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 9:33 AM by Board President Jane DeHaven. The meeting was conducted remotely, via Zoom. Jim Rosetti, Steve Rogow, and Grace Chang-Fuoti were present, along with Library Director Shawn Armington.
Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report from the previous meeting was reviewed and approved by all members present. Jane moved to accept the report and Steve seconded.
Treasurer’s Report
Shawn reviewed the Treasurer’s Report from the previous meeting. There was some discussion. He noted that a Bodine CD reached its maturity date. Steve brought up the question if the new CD will reflect a change in the interest rates?
The issue with the elevator was repaired and there was discussion about upgrading the elevator system because of concerns about its durability. There was a question about the monthly maintenance fee and if that would change with the new installment. Also, we should look into the details of the warranty. Shawn noted that the fines are down and haven’t gone up; also the library financial accounts are in good standing. Grace moved to accept the report and Jim seconded.
Continuing Business
Renovation Projects
Adam Finkle (SSP Project Manager) is planning to give the library a progress report towards the end of May. Then, final bid documents could be prepared for a June/July Bid Period. When Adam gets back to Shawn, Shawn will email the board members so progress can be made on any decisions in moving forward with the basement remediation.
New Business
Catalogue Migration
After research and discussion, Shawn proposed to migrate the library catalog from Follet to Biblionix’s Apollo ILS (Integrated Library System). He would like to see the new system in place before the contract with Follet has to be renewed. Shawn is confident that the transition will be relatively smooth. It will be a learning curve, but the advantages will improve patron service. The new system will expand the downloadable market and facilitate participation in the state’s interlibrary loan system. He also mentioned that it provides emailing patron receipts and would like to keep their library service consistent with the Hunterdon County Library. A motion was made to move forward on Jane made a motion, Steve seconded.
All the board members would like to extend their well wishes to Liz Fisher after her surgery and their hope that she will make a smooth recovery.
Jane adjourned the meeting at 9:54 AM.
The next meeting is on Friday, June 17, at 9:30 AM.
Grace Chang-Fuoti