2023 April Minutes

Flemington Free Public Library  Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, April 21, 2023

The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees Zoom meeting was called to order at 9:31 am by Board President Jane DeHaven. Library Director Shawn Armington, Liz Fisher, Grace Fuoti, James Rossetti, Steve Rogow and Warren Buckleitner were present.

OPMA statement:

This meeting was called in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act.  Notice was sent to the newspapers of record, The Courier News and The Hunterdon Democrat, and posted on the library’s website and bulletin board.


The previous meeting minutes were reviewed and there were no changes. Liz moved to accept; and Jane seconded.


The treasurers report was reviewed by Liz.

Jane moved to accept and Steve seconded. 


Painting — Certapro painters did a good job.

Basement — SSP has been dragging their feet on the basement. Jane drafted an email to Marcus.

Anne Thomas memorial — Jane suggested working on the sconces and the fence.

Sconces, lights and fence — There was discussion about contacting the local Votech for fixing the sconses and the wrought iron fencing. Liz reminded us that Anne liked practical things. Warren suggested reaching out to a historical architect like Chris Pickell or perhaps George Eckellman; and/or work with a local handyman like Ray for things like cleaning the sign. Steve suggested working with a local school.

Garden Guild — The board discussed making a donation to the Garden Guild.  Shawn will reach out to them and do some research to find out about their funding etc. It was suggested that we at least match the Friends donation to cover the cost of plants and materials.  

Financial disclosure forms are due. Every board member should complete the online form.

Jane reminded us that we still don’t have attending liaisons for either the Flemington Borough Council or the Flemington Raritan School District. 

10:21 am The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will May 19, 2023.

Warren Buckleitner