Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2023
The Flemington Free Public Library (FFPL) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 9:32 am by Board President Jane DeHaven. Library Director Shawn Armington, Liz Fisher, Grace Fuoti, Malik Johnston, James Rossetti, Steve Rogow and Warren Buckleitner were present.
This meeting was called in accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meeting Act. Notice was sent to the newspapers of record, The Courier News and The Hunterdon Democrat, and posted on the library’s website and bulletin board.
The previous meeting minutes were reviewed and there were no changes. Liz moved to accept; and Jane seconded.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed by Liz. Grace moved to accept and Steve seconded.
Jim asked Shawn to inquire about the library funds at Unity Bank, to make sure they are protected by FDIC. Shawn will meet with the bank next week.
Basement remediation — SSP materials were received last night. Shawn described some of the issues that have been making the project drawn out for over a year and complicated, namely communication between new hires at the Borough, and a small window of time for bidding, which has to go through the Borough. Jim noted that the materials were submitted as a draft.
Warren reminded us that we still don’t have an attending liaison from either the Flemington Raritan School District or the Borough.
Cast iron light fixtures. Chris Pickell came over, the lights are bolted from the inside. We’re waiting to hear from a metal restorer. Warren suggested finding a historic garden fence similar to the Presbyterian Church and on Main Street.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 am. The next meeting will be the third Friday in September.
– Warren Buckleitner