On Our Calendar
Book clubs
Thursday July 6 the daytime book club will meet to discuss Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann (10:30 am).
On Thursday July 20 at 7 pm the evening book club will discuss My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie.
Please contact the library if you would like to request a copy of either book.
Movie Matinee
On Saturday July 1 we will be showing the Pixar movie “Monsters, Inc” at 10:30 am in the community room. Free admission.
Game nights
Mexican Train Dominoes: Wednesdays at 7 pm
Mah Jongg: Mondays 5 pm – 7:30 pm
Story times
Tuesdays at 10:30 am
Story Time for three-to-five years olds
The children and their parents or caregivers are entertained by picture books, poetry, scissor stories, or drawn stories. A craft related to the weekly theme completes the session, which generally runs a little longer than a half hour.
Wednesdays at 10:00 am
Storytime for ages 6-24 months! Babytime includes songs, stories, rhymes and fingerplay.
Wednesdays at 10:30 am
Toddler Tales for two-to-three year olds
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Stories are geared to the younger age level and are interspersed with songs and finger-plays. A simple craft activity ends the thirty minutes.
In the gallery
Beginning June 26 the gallery will feature a display of digital photographs by Martin Brecher.
For more information about our library programs, please call (908) 782-5733 or email us at flemingtonlibrary@gmail.com

Hello, when are your next evening book clubs please?
The evening book club meets tonight, January 8, at 6 pm.